Friday, May 31, 2013

Past My Reach

Growing up
A brother and a sister
Never one without the other
Until a dreaded day
When he started to shy away
Things became awkward
He started to avoid
He began to ignore
Maybe in the end
He started to forget
But she will never know
For he barely utters a single word

She was left abandoned
With no where else to go
He left her empty and dying
But how the hell would he know

They see each other now and again
Only a muttered "Hello" escapes his bitten lips
While she yearns for just a little more
Anything he will give her
Knowing that all she will get is the same old muttered "Hello"
And maybe
If she's lucky
A nod or two
 Yet, she still makes an effort
Even though it is no use

It has become one of a dieing wish
That she will get to speak to him once more
But for now
She must hold tight to the memories
As she carries just a shred of hope
That maybe
One day
He will remember her
And maybe
One day
They could have just one more conversation
And maybe
He will return just as he once was,
Be able to meet the new her
To see how much she's changed since then
Is that to much to ask for?

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