Friday, May 31, 2013

Love is Louder

Love is louder
than the girl with the fake smile who hides her cuts
than the unnoticed boy with a crush on that one guy
than imperfections
than lonliness, there will always be someone willing
Love is louder
than the fake friends who spread rumors behind your back
than the physical insecurities, your inner beauty will shine through
than the boundaries that have been made for love
than popularity
Love is louder
than words on a page
or words coming from the mouth
than judgement
than hatred
Love is louder
than the screams of a mosh pit
than death and depression
than self doubt
and telling yourself you aren't good enough
Love is louder
than money, it can not be stolen or gambled and no matter how much is taken there is always more to give
than time, it heals things faster than time
than not knowing what will happen next
than the violence of people
Love is louder
than the power of voldemort who was fought of by the power of friendship
than self harm, in any form
than the voice of the bully putting you down
 than negativity
Love is louder
than distance in any form
than any gun shot
than the want and need for acceptance
than thousands of screaming idiots
Love is louder
than a thousand fangirls screaming at a  One Direction concert
or Justin Beiber
than a world of lies
than stereotypes
Love is louder
than reality
than wanting to be normal
than ignorance
than fear, it provides a flashlight to brighten your path
Love is louder
than music
especially if  you plug in some speakers
than judging a book by its cover
than the pressure to be perfect
Love is louder
than any language
than silence
than suicide
than backstabbing
Love is louder
than homophobia
than isolation, you will never be alone someone will always be there to care
than sight, you have the power to love fro  the  inside out
than the problems given to us in our life
Love is louder
than disabilities
than racism
than the pain of the past
Love is louder than the pressure you put on me to be anything different than myself

****why don't you leave your own love is louder in the comments, I'll add them****

Past My Reach

Growing up
A brother and a sister
Never one without the other
Until a dreaded day
When he started to shy away
Things became awkward
He started to avoid
He began to ignore
Maybe in the end
He started to forget
But she will never know
For he barely utters a single word

She was left abandoned
With no where else to go
He left her empty and dying
But how the hell would he know

They see each other now and again
Only a muttered "Hello" escapes his bitten lips
While she yearns for just a little more
Anything he will give her
Knowing that all she will get is the same old muttered "Hello"
And maybe
If she's lucky
A nod or two
 Yet, she still makes an effort
Even though it is no use

It has become one of a dieing wish
That she will get to speak to him once more
But for now
She must hold tight to the memories
As she carries just a shred of hope
That maybe
One day
He will remember her
And maybe
One day
They could have just one more conversation
And maybe
He will return just as he once was,
Be able to meet the new her
To see how much she's changed since then
Is that to much to ask for?

Simply Seven

Once, I was that perfect little girl, what happened to me?

One voice whispers to me, bones are beauty.
Two tells me I’ll never be noticed.
Three says, hide it all.
Four shoves pills down my throat.
Five gorges my stomach,
Six purges it all.
Seven stops my pulse.

I've Met My Maker

I annoy myself
Depression is my maker
I'm a product of it’s wealth.
Brain drained
soaking in the pain
driving me insane.
Irregular beats shudder me cold
Numb lost cries slowly bring me to fold
No feelings to bring me home
I create my prisons where ever I go

Imagination used to fuel my creation
Now it feeds me you, I see every fucking situation
Scenarios burning behinds my eyes
My soul slowly creeps out of me in the tears from my cries
The weight of confusion sits on my heart, pulls on my mind
Raping my soul, rendering me blind
Happiness ran away with thoughts that you might stay
Rage replacing faith, a false hope to maintain

Sickly sweet as you keep
Where all you’re sadness meets
Keep your positive, feed me the negative
Your heart I soothe, pain in love, I’m glad I did


Oh Little Girl

oh little girl with bloody wrists
what is going through your mind
as your whole world shifts
 as you are made blind

oh little girl with crazy thoughts
why are you so blue
is your stomach being tied in knots
while he speaks with a loving cue

oh little girl why are you holding a knife
are you accomplishing your dream
if you end it now there will still be strife
they will all want to scream

oh little girl don't end it all
there is someone out there
waiting to pick you up when you fall
and waiting for a chance to care

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Path of Life

in life whatever path you choose you mark it with your heart
and as you walk the path of life your soul will fall apart
when first your feet begin to walk your heart begins to drip
and if you stand in one place to long your feet begin to slip
in a pool of blood that stains you weary sole
so keep no habits and stand not still else pay a heavy toll
with every year every day of your life it will drain away
and leave behind a trail of read in the dark to show the way
a path at the starting place
that can only by your be retraced
in memory and even then
the brightened red
fades to a dark shade of brown
in life whatever path you choose is marked with drops of red
and when your heart your soul runs dry
pray that you are dead